Our Curriculum
Imagine a curriculum that challenges our children from every perspective in an interconnected way. That is what the International Baccalaureate framework offers.
Curriculum at Sofara International binds core subjects together so that students can see the benefits and use of their learning in a multitude of settings and purposes.
Gone is the teaching of subjects in isolation from each other.
Imaginative, creative, solutions oriented problem solvers who seek out ways to improve situations, advance technology, and improve on quality of life issues is what our students develop in to. The ability to analyze issues and problems from multiple perspectives is a skill honed through real world exposure, hands-on learning, project management and the nurturing of intellect through discovery.
Is our curriculum rigorous? Absolutely!
Sofara International students are immediately immersed in learning that not only builds academic success, but also develops the intellectual, social and emotional realms of child development. This is accomplished by including specific, well thought out, opportunities within units of study to work on attributes, habits of success, and habits of the mind. Students are given ample opportunities within the learning process to stop and reflect on their progress, on content, on goals, and on areas of study they want to know more about.
Is our curriculum ambitious? Absolutely!
To meet the demands of the global world our children are inheriting, Sofara International is able to combine the holistic nurturing of our children with the 21st century skills needed to be not just participants, but leaders in their chosen paths. This is done through:
1.The use of discovery learning to spark all inquiries into learning established through the core subjects of science and social studies
2. The incorporation of foreign language development with a balanced 50/50 model. Students will experience their inquiry based time of science and social studies in the French language while English language arts and mathematics are experienced in English. All additional time is experiences in the “language of the day”
3. Real world application of mathematical concepts presented in Singapore Math
4. Real world conceptual learning presented in the ELA based Core Knowledge
5. Hands-on applied learning where students use both a library lab and the international city they live in to further their knowledge and understandings.
6. The incorporation of Engineering is Elemental as a tool to innovate and problem solve
7. Service learning that engages the community, builds compassion, promotes problem solving skills, and establishes a sense of ownership
The International Baccalaureate (IB):
“The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.” ~ The IB Mission Statement, IBO.org
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